Require a Commercial Conveyancing Solicitor in Standish

Require a Commercial Conveyancing Solicitor in StandishYou may require a commercial conveyancing solicitor in Standish if you are involved in commercial real estate to any extent. You probably already know there is a maze of legal paperwork to be accomplished and only experienced professionals are equipped to manage it. Maybe you have owned your four flat building for several years but you are now ready to trade up to an eight flat building. You need both transactions to complete at the same time. You have your buyer for your four flat and your offer for the eight flat has been accepted; now you need the money from the four flat to complete the eight flat transaction. What you need to keep all the balls in the air is a Houghton Pigot & Co commercial conveyance solicitor.

Just think about the 12 separate leases, taxes, agents fees, financing agreements, buying and selling agreements, boundary surveys and title insurance. You will, in Standish, require a commercial conveyancing solicitor to protect your interests. Our firm, Houghton Pigot & Co is well established with an excellent reputation for all manner of personal and commercial law, including commercial conveyance. Through experience we have learned where the pitfalls are likely to be and we are adept at avoiding them. The ideal outcome in a commercial conveyance is for all parties to walk away with what they want. That requires skillful negotiation, the gift of compromise and knowledge of the laws surrounding commercial real estate conveyance. We have solicitors in our firm who specialise in just those skills.

We encourage you to contact us at Houghton Pigot & Co when you know you will require a commercial conveyancing solicitor in Standish. The sooner we are involved in the process the less worry and stress for you. Call us for a consultation to discuss your imminent commercial purchase or sale. We can discuss costs at that time so you know up front that our rates are reasonable and fair. We have offices in Wigan and Ashton-in-Makerfield offering legal services for your business, your family, real estate purchase and sale and litigation. When representing our clients’ interests, we keep them informed of the progress each step of way.