Many people assume that their loved ones will inherit their estates in the event of their death, but this is not always the case.
Making a will is therefore essential for people of all ages to ensure that their wishes are followed and to reduce the stress for their loved ones at what is an upsetting and stressful time.
At Houghton Pigot & Co we offer a clear and straightforward approach to making a will combined with an efficient and extremely cost-effective service. The cost of a simple will with Houghton Pigot & Co is £200 plus VAT for an individual and £300 plus VAT for couples making mirror wills. This price includes an option for you to deposit your will with us in safe custody. Most simple wills can be prepared in 7 days, or sooner in the case of emergency.
Houghton Pigot & Co also offer a home visit for people who are unable to attend the office due to age or infirmity at no extra cost.
As part the service, we can also give you expert advice on tax planning during the writing of your will, including advice on Inheritance Tax, Discretionary Trusts, and Tenants in Common.
Houghton Pigot & Co aim to give a service which provides the right balance of compassion and understanding with a quality service at a reasonable price.
The department is headed by our senior partner Frances Lawlor who works at our Wigan office with the help of her partners Sue Houghton and Mark Duffy. Our Probate and Wills department at our Ashton office is run by Jennifer Haigh alongside partner, Mark Duffy. Natalie is the newest employee in this department and has quickly settled into her role of supporting the other members of the team. Under the guidance of Mrs Lawlor and Mr Duffy she is quickly gaining both confidence and expertise.
Lasting Powers of Attorney Court of Protection
Who would deal with your property and financial matters if you were no longer capable? Who would make decisions regarding your medical treatment and personal care if you were unable to do so. By preparing a Lasting Power of Attorney you can ensure that this responsibility is passed to the people whom you trust; and, that costly applications to the Court can be avoided.
Houghton Pigot & Co offer an efficient service at a competitive price. We also offer a home visit for people who are unable to attend the office due to age or infirmity at no extra cost.
In the event that an application to the Court of Protection is necessary, Houghton Pigot & Co’s experienced solicitors can guide you through the whole process with compassion and understanding.
To speak to Houghton Pigot & Co about our wills, probate and power of attorney services, please call 01942 241 288 or use our online enquiry form.